
Polyhedral Element Dice: Pure Periodic Metal DIce

Created by Modern Awesome Labs

Available as Pure Metal or Resin Encased Ingots

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Call for Backerkit Fixes!
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 12:08:07 PM

Hi everyone!

We've waited a few weeks for everyone to have a chance to check Backerkit and verify everyone's surveys and add-on orders are correct.   It's time to move to the next stage which is to lock addresses, complete any pending payments, and send all the info to our factory for production.  We would like to complete these steps by the end of this weekend, so if you haven't had a chance to check your Backerkit to verify everything is good please do so by the end of the weekend.  :)  If you still need something fixed please email us at [email protected]

Thanks so much to all of you for your patience with all the glitches this campaign!  We appreciate each and every one of you. 

We need your votes (If you bought a mixed Element Polyhedral set)
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 02:02:44 PM

Hey Everyone,

If you ordered a mixed element polyhedral set (solid or resin core) we need your feedback to choose which element should be represented by each die in the set.  CLICK HERE or follow the below link and vote so we can begin production based on your votes:

Good News! Backerkit Fixes and Important Time-Sensitive Info.
12 months ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 10:34:54 AM

Hello everyone!

After a long week we are happy to announce that the glitches some of you experienced from your surveys are fixed.  This task meant we had to go through and double check each and every survey, correct some Placeholder Add-on glitches and other strange glitchs, and make sure everything matched up with your individual pledges.  Now that being said, it is possible that something was missed, but we're pretty confident most everything is fixed for all those who completed their surveys. 

What we need from you now :

Please take a few minutes to go check your survey.  We need to make absolutely certain that everything is in perfect order before we lock orders and charge the remaining backers who still need charged.  Checking that your order is correct will help insure that there are minimal or no issues when shipping time arrives.  Please check that your cart matches the items that you pledged for during the campaign, as well as that it reflects the add-ons you chose if you opted to order add-ons. 

What to do once you've checked your survey:

Please comment once you have verified your backerkit.  If it all looks good on your end, we encourage you to comment "Good to go" and if there is still items to correct please comment "I still need help" and shoot us a quick email at [email protected] with a description of what still needs corrected. 

It is possible that there are still items to correct, so if you discover a mistake or missing item, we can't stress enough that you please make sure to comment and email so that it can be corrected properly right away. 

Another thing to note :

Some backers still need to fill out their surveys, and some of these backers may encounter the issues we just fixed for everyone who already completed their survey.  We are unable to fix some of the glitches on incomplete surveys so we invite those who still haven't completed their survey to do so as soon as possible this week so that we can fix any glitches if there are any - and avoid any issues fulfilling your pledge awards on time.  Without the survey, we can't get your reward to you so please make sure to complete your survey as soon as possible. 

Thank you all so much for your patience!  We can imagine how annoying the emails from backerkit can be, especially when it wasn't allowing some of you to even view what needed to be done!  We have the best backers in the world, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for each and every one of you.  

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!  We are looking forward to the next phase!  

Ignore BackerKit Emails this week
12 months ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 03:51:59 PM

Hey Everyone, we are aware that BackerKit kits sending lots of email. Just disregard any email they send you regarding your pledge until we post another update.

We are working on the backend to get their error ironed out and we believe we found where their software glitched when it ported over the kickstarter SKUs to their software. 

Unfortunately we have no control over their automated emails so just disregard any email from backer-kit for the time being. You do NOT need to do anything more on your end right now. We found a way to manually fix the incorrect attribution their software did for the surveys so we are doing that manually for each of you. We will keep you posted when its all done (probably bey the ned of the week).  

BackerKit Survey Hiccups
12 months ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 11:06:07 AM

Hey Everyone, 

We began locking orders yesterday so we could get an exact count to our factory to begin order materials the backerkit and we are seeing some strange hiccups with duplicates for some people or random dice being added. 

We are seeing what backerkit can do to help us remedy this glitch and if we can reopen it up for everyone that is locked so you can go back and edit your page if something is incorrect. We have never had an issue with BackerKit quite like this before so we are still trying to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it but rest assured you will be taken care of if you experienced and error in your cart! We will keep you posted!