
Polyhedral Element Dice: Pure Periodic Metal DIce

Created by Modern Awesome Labs

Available as Pure Metal or Resin Encased Ingots

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Any stragglers? (4 New Elements coming soon!)
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 04:08:28 PM

Happy July, everyone! Hope you have been enjoying your dice! We wanted to check and see if there are any stragglers still missing any parts of their orders? 

Also, we still have backers who never completed their survey and want to get you your dice but cant until you fill that out:)

Please message us if you are still missing anything and we will get you taken care of ASAP! 


Team Element Dice  

Polyhedrals are Shipping!
5 months ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 11:24:20 AM

Hello beautiful backers!

We are coming to you with a much-needed update on Polyhedral shipments!  For those of you who remember, we posted an update back in February that D6 dice from the campaign started shipping but we weren't able to get all of the Polyhedral Dice and Dice Sets shipped before the Chinese New Year holiday began.  The warehouse resumed at the beginning of this month as soon as the mandatory holiday ended :)  We are happy to announce the first wave of Polyhedrals have begun shipping in waves, as they generally do, so all of you who are missing your Polyhedrals can rejoice - they will be in your hands in no time!  We can't wait to hear what you think of them!  

Dice are arriving as we speak!
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 12:29:52 PM

Hi Everyone keep an eye on you mailbox because 100% of D6 dice orders made it out before Chinese New Year and some backers are already reporting receiving them them. Woo hoo! NOTE: Not all polyhedral dice were finished in time before the factory had to shut down so some of you will be getting your polyhedral dice in a second separate shipment so if you are missing any polyhedral dice don't sweat they will be shipping soon when the factory returns from Chinese New Year. Woo hoo! Can't wait for everyone to get these!  

Let the shipping commence!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 01:23:27 PM

Hi Everyone! We are about to begin shipping! 

The packaging factory kept delaying because we had so many different package designs they kept dragging their feet not wanting to do small batches of 50 different designs so we decided to redesign the packaging to a simple yet elegant pure black box with an embossed element dice logo on the front that can work universally across all the SCUs and that way they were able to print and package all the packaging in one batch.

Now that we have that done they are assembling the sets and shipping will commence. We are aiming to get all orders out before Chinese new year which is coming up quick! Keep an eye on your mailbox they will start rolling in over the next few weeks! Woo hoo!


Team Element Dice 

Packaging has begun! Shipping will begin soon!
9 months ago – Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 01:19:30 PM

Hi Everyone! The packaging factory says they will be finished printing and building all the custom boxes over the next 10-14 days. Then we can send the packages to the assembly factory can begin loading them up with your orders and shipping will commence! 

We were pushing really hard to try to get these out before Christmas but the CNC factory just couldn't match their original timeline:/ They have assured us though that all orders will be shipped out in January before Chinese New year begins so we are grateful for that. 

We will keep you posted here in the next two weeks when we begin getting tracking codes so you will know when to start keeping an eye on your mail box! 

Thanks for all your support! We can't wait to get these in you hands soon!